Well experienced manufacturer and exporter of socks and tights

Babies, kids, women and men products

Quick service and short lead time

Focused on customer satisfaction

Fully compliant in legal, social, ethical requirements and
in health and safety regulations

Care about ‘’GENDER EQUALITY’’ and integrate it into our management systems by measuring and reporting on progress


Who we are?

Hobby Socks, having nearly 40 years of experience in this sector, is one of the leading Turkish manufacturer and exporter of socks and tights.Located in Istanbul, our factory is designed to meet the needs of the staff and the customers.

Our manufacturing capabilities vary from 96 to 240 needles, including Lintoe machines which are also sewing the toe at the knitting stage. We manufacture men’s, women’s, kids’ and babies’ socks and tights according to our customer’s requests.

We have a designer team so we can also prepare collection for you in case of any need or continue the production with your designs.Important processes such as confection (specially for tights finishing), some type of prints ( stone print, transfer print, etc.) and washing are done inhouse.

Quality control is very important for us and we start the controls at the beginning of the production by using the special machines (Cetme Italy) measuring the stretchs of the products. Fitting boards are also used as a quality control tool and the process continues with inline and final controls made by our qc team. Other than this, every babies and kids product is passed from metal dedection machine.

Our in-house laboratory is also a part of our quality control process for checking the yarn standarts and making the related tests to the products to be sure that they match with our customers’ quality requirements.

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